Description: Horizon 2020 - Type of Actions

Code: ec:h2020toas

Advanced GrantERC-ADG
Bio-based Industries Coordination and Support actionBBI-CSA
Bio-based Industries Innovation action - DemonstrationBBI-IA-DEMO
Bio-based Industries Innovation action - FlagshipBBI-IA-FLAG
Bio-based Industries Research and Innovation actionBBI-RIA
CAR – Career Restart panelMSCA-IF-EF-CAR
COFUND (European Joint Programme)COFUND-EJP
CS2 Coordination and Support actionCS2-CSA
CS2 Innovation ActionCS2-IA
CS2 Research and Innovation actionCS2-RIA
CSA Lump sumCSA-LS
Consolidator GrantERC-COG
Coordination & support actionFCH2-CSA
Coordination and Support Actions – Lump SumCSA-LSP
Coordination and support actionCSA
Doctoral programmesMSCA-COFUND-DP
ECSEL Coordination & Support actionECSEL-CSA
ECSEL Innovation ActionECSEL-IA
ECSEL Research and Innovation ActionsECSEL-RIA
ERA-NET CofundERA-NET-Cofund
ERC Proof of Concept Lump Sum PilotERC-POC-LS
ERC low value grantERC-LVG
Enterprise Europe Network - Specific Grant AgreementH2020-EEN-SGA
EuroHPC Coordination and Support actionEuroHPC-CSA
EuroHPC Innovation ActionEuroHPC-IA
EuroHPC Research and Innovation actionEuroHPC-RIA
European Industrial DoctoratesMSCA-ITN-EID
European Joint DoctoratesMSCA-ITN-EJD
European Training NetworksMSCA-ITN-ETN
FCH2 Innovation actionFCH2-IA
FCH2 Research and Innovation actionFCH2-RIA
Fellowship programmesMSCA-COFUND-FP
Global FellowshipsMSCA-IF-GF
Grant to identified beneficiary - Coordination and support actions (MSCA-Special Needs lump sum)MSCA-SNLS
IMI2 Coordination & support actionIMI2-CSA
IMI2 Research and Innovation actionIMI2-RIA
Innovation Action Lump-SumShift2Rail-IA-LS
Innovation Action Lump-SumIA-LS
Innovation actionIA
Innovation actionShift2Rail-IA
Pre-Commercial ProcurementPCP
Proof of Concept GrantERC-POC
Public Procurement of Innovative SolutionsPPI
RI – Reintegration panelMSCA-IF-EF-RI
Research and Innovation Action Lump-Sum|Shift2Rail-RIA-LS
Research and Innovation actionShift2Rail-RIA
Research and Innovation actionRIA
Research and Innovation action Lump SumRIA-LS
SESAR: Coordination and Support ActionSESAR-CSA
SESAR: Innovation actionSESAR-IA
SESAR: Research and Innovation actionSESAR-RIA
SGA Research and Innovation actionSGA-RIA
SME Instrument (grant only and blended finance)SME-2b
SME instrument phase 1SME-1
SME instrument phase 2SME-2
Shift2Rail - Coordination and Support actionShift2Rail-CSA
Society and Enterprise panelMSCA-IF-EF-SE
Specific Grant agreement and Coordination and Support ActionSGA-CSA
Starting GrantERC-STG
Synergy grantERC-SyG

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