Description: dnet:topic_types

Code: dnet:topic_types

A Dewey Decimal classification term (DDC) that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/SUBJECT/DDC
A Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification term that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/SUBJECT/JEL
A classification term from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/SUBJECT/MESHEUROPMC
A date of publication missing in your contentENRICH/MISSING/PUBLICATION_DATE
A persistent identifier associated to your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/PID
A project reference that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/PROJECT
An ACM classification term that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/SUBJECT/ACM
An ARXIV classification term that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/SUBJECT/ARXIV
An Open Access versions of your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/OPENACCESS_VERSION
An Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) that can be associated to an author of your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/AUTHOR/ORCID
An abstract describing among your publicationsENRICH/MISSING/ABSTRACT
Another ACM classification term that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MORE/SUBJECT/ACM
Another ARXIV classification term that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MORE/SUBJECT/ARXIV
Another Dewey Decimal classification term (DDC) that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MORE/SUBJECT/DDC
Another Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification term that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MORE/SUBJECT/JEL
Another Open Access version of a publicationENRICH/MORE/OPENACCESS_VERSION
Another classification term from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) that can be associated to your publicationsENRICH/MORE/SUBJECT/MESHEUROPMC
Another persistent identifier associated to your publicationsENRICH/MORE/PID

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